Episode 140 :: Molly Hahn :: Buddha Doodles

Molly Hahn

Professional artist and children’s book author Molly Hahn speaks with us today about the new release of her book Buddha Doodles Volume 2, combining art and practice, and finding ways to inspire others to grow past trauma.

Transforming our lives is a benefit we enjoy from our practice. We learn to relate to our experiences in different ways, sometimes letting them go, sometimes supporting them, and from that we hopefully move from a place of discomfort to a place of peace.

But that’s not easy. Life can be hard, and it can be even more challenging when we experience hurt from those who should provide us with the greatest love. Being able to not only survive these experiences, but flourish and inspire others with joy, is a rare gift.

Molly Hahn, aka ‘Mollycules’, started Buddha Doodles in the fall of 2011 as a way to begin each new day with an illustrated affirmation or quote. The practice peacefully rests in the belief that there are no mistakes. The comic has quickly gained popularity and has a steadily increasing international fan base. It appears daily on the Huffington Post, Facebook, and Tumblr.

So, sit back, relax, and have a nice Red Dragon Spice tea.



“You can’t change the past and you do have a choice, and there’s so much more to put your energy in. There’s so just much to be thankful for, no matter how hard things were, we all have the potential to lead very joyous lives.” — Mollycules



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Music for This Episode Courtesy of Rodrigo Rodriguez

The music heard in the middle of the podcast is from Rodrigo Rodriguez. The track used in this episode is “Tengai” from his CD, Traditional and Modern Pieces: Shakuhachi.