Practice Circle: Mindfulness of Sound
Stop what you’re doing right now, and just listen. Were you surprised by all you heard? Before you stopped to listen, you may have been completely unaware of all of the sounds going on. As soon as you directed your attention to them, there they were, loud and soft, far and near, pleasant, unpleasant and…
Read MoreTend Your Garden
Tending the Epicurean Garden by Hiram Crespo. Humanist Press, 2014, Hiram Crespo is engaged in the challenging task of reviving Epicureanism not just as a philosophy but also as a living practice. His book, Tending the Epicurean Garden, combines the ancient philosophy of Epicurus with tasks or practices, many of them borrowed from Buddhism. One question…
Read MorePractice Circle: Forgiveness
“He abused me, attacked me, Defeated me, robbed me!” For those carrying on like this Hatred does not end. “She abused me, attacked me, Defeated me, robbed me!” For those not carrying on like this, Hatred ends. Hatred never ends through hatred. By non-hate alone does it end. This is an ancient truth. (Dhp 3-5,…
Read MoreFinding Your Mindfulness Bells
One of the meanings of sati, the Pali word usually translated as “mindfulness”, is to remember. With a little practice, it’s not hard to learn how to concentrate and focus your awareness. The big challenge is remembering to do it. We forget even when we’re sitting on a cushion for the express purpose of meditating! …
Read MoreA Culture of Awakening
At the end of May I attended a four day workshop at Upaya Zen Center in Santa Fe called “A Culture of Awakening.” It was led by Stephen Batchelor with Roshi Joan Halifax. I will try to discuss the ideas presented and my impressions of them. For those that are interested, all seven of the…
Read MorePractice Circle: Mindfulness of the Body
Even as one who encompasses with his mind the mighty ocean includes thereby all the rivulets that run into the ocean; just so, O monks, whoever develops and cultivates mindfulness directed to the body includes thereby all the wholesome states that partake of supreme knowledge. One thing, O monks, if developed and cultivated, leads to…
Read MorePractice Circle: Right Intention, Right Speech
Others may use these five modes of speech when speaking to you — speech that is timely or untimely, true or false, gentle or harsh, with a good or a harmful motive, and with a loving heart or hostility. In this way, monks, you should train yourselves: ‘Neither shall our minds be affected by this,…
Read MorePracticing with Technology
We recently did a survey among people who had signed up for Practice Circle to find out their most and least favorite things about our online mindfulness group. The likes were all over the map, but thankfully they were many: respondents rated Practice Circle 7.3 on a 10 point scale, with only 3 of 19 ranking…
Read MorePracticing Non-Self, III: Cultivating the Heart
All beings tremble before violence. All fear death. All love life. See yourself in others. Then whom can you hurt? What harm can you do? . . . For your brother is like you. He wants to be happy. (Dhp 129 – 130, Byrom) This happened to me last Sunday afternoon. I had just returned…
Read MorePracticing Non-Self II — Six Elements Meditation
This is the second of three articles on applying the principle of anatta, non-self, to our dharma practice. The articles support the next few sessions of the SBA Practice Circle, which meets via online video conferencing at 8 pm Central on the second and fourth Sundays of each month. If you’d like to come experience…
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