3/11 Practice Circle: Mindfulness of the Body
I’ve been reading Beth Ann Mulligan’s “The Dharma of Modern Mindfulness,” which is impressive for the way she uses anecdotes from her secular MBSR course to illustrate basic Buddhist principles. In that spirit, when Practice Circle meets again this Sunday, March 11, at 6 p.m. Pacific, 8 Central and 9 Eastern, we’ll begin a four-part…
Read MoreThe Dharma of Modern Mindfulness: A Review
One of the most common misunderstandings about MBSR and the other mindfulness-based interventions is that they consist of meditation techniques that have somehow been extracted or divorced from their original context in traditional Buddhism. From this standpoint, critics have referred to mindfulness as “Buddhism lite,” as a simple gimmick to reduce stress and, therefore, a…
Read More2/25 Practice Circle: Mindfulness of Movement and Breath
Click Here at 9:00 p.m. Eastern Time on Sunday, February 25th to Join the Live Session. During January and February, Practice Circle will be aligned with the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Online Live program offered by Ted Meissner and Amy Balentine. There may be people from that class joining Practice Circle as an additional opportunity to…
Read MoreA “Re~Collection” on Building, Renewing, and Sustaining Sanghas – (reposted from "Secular Buddhism in Aotearoa New Zealand" blog)
“It can be said that a Sangha is like a projection of its individual members. There cannot be healthy relationships with others if “the self” is not known, accepted, and sustained. So do that internal work first. Then if and only if new relationships are actually desirable, try out some of what is suggested here….…
Read MorePractice Circle: Mindful Movement
Click Here at 9:00 p.m. Eastern Time on Sunday, February 11th to Join the Live Session. During January and February, Practice Circle will be aligned with the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Online Live program offered by Ted Meissner and Amy Balentine. There may be people from that class joining Practice Circle as an additional opportunity to…
Read MorePractice Circle: Awareness of Breath
Click Here at 9:00 p.m. Eastern Time on Sunday, January 28th to Join the Live Session. During January and February, Practice Circle will be aligned with the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Online Live program offered by Ted Meissner and Amy Balentine. There may be people from that class joining Practice Circle as an additional opportunity to…
Read MorePractice Circle: Body Scan
Click Here at 9:00 p.m. Eastern Time on Sunday, January 14th to Join the Live Session. During January and February, Practice Circle will be aligned with the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Online Live program offered by Ted Meissner and Amy Balentine. There may be people from that class joining Practice Circle as an additional opportunity to…
Read MorePractice Circle: Cultivating Compassion
This is to be done by one skilled in aims Who wants to break through To the state of peace: . . . As a mother would risk her life To protect her child, her only child, Even so should one cultivate a limitless heart With regard to all beings. Khuddakapatha 9, trns Thanissaro Bhikkhu…
Read MoreOnline, Together, Meditating, Secular: An Event Announcement from New Zealand!
For those who don’t know, New Zealand has a lively Secular Buddhist community: Last month, the prominent Ramsey Margolis announced via his newsletter that he wanted to try to lead a free, online meditation using Zoom similar to SBA US’s Practice Circle. Not only had he gone out of his way to…
Read More11/26 Practice Circle: Silent Illumination, Sitting with a Question
One powerful way to access the wisdom of the whole bodymind is to sit until the mind becomes still, and then to drop a question into that stillness and pay attention to what arises. When Practice Circle gathers again this Sunday, Nov. 26, at 6 pm Pacific, 8 Central, and 9 Eastern, we’ll pursue this…
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