Dharma without Metaphysics (Tony Bernhard)
Everything is process. Tony explore Buddhist without the ideas of mind-reading, reincarnation, etc. From
Read MoreWorking with Repetition (Jason Siff)
Does a formulaic approach to meditation get in the way of discovering exactly what’s going on? In this talk Jason talks about how we respond when our mind gets stuck in a groove, answering questions from those taking part.
Read MoreThe Four Truths (Stephen Batchelor)
This is the fourth of a series of seven talks from the Study Retreat that interweaves reflections on Siddhattha Gotama’s life, with critical interpretations of his teachings as recorded in the Pali Canon. In this fourth (and also in the third) talk we examine the content of his first sermon.
Read MoreAn Introduction to Secular Buddhism (Stephen Batchelor)
In this talk Stephen explain what secular Buddhism is, a bit about Buddhist history in general, and Buddhism as it moved to the west.
Read MoreUnlearning Buddhism (Stephen Batchelor)
A reflection on the difficulties involved in and the methodology of a secular approach to Buddhism, followed by a reading of and comments on the Kalama Sutta, considered as a primary source text for secular Buddhism
Read MoreHealing Ecology – A Buddhist Perspective on the Eco Crisis (David Loy)
There are precise and profound parallels between what Buddhism says about our individual predicament and our collective predicament today in relationship to the rest of the biosphere.
Read MoreThe Suffering Self (David Loy)
The Suffering of Self In contemporaty terms, the self is dukkha (suffering) is because it is a psycho-social construct that can never feel secure. It is haunted by a sense of lack that we usually misunderstand.
Read MoreThe Secular Buddha (Stephen Batchelor)
An introduction to and overview of the concept of secular Buddhism. From
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