Episode 238 :: Ken McLeod :: A Trackless Path


Ken McLeod

Ken McLeod joins us to speak about A Trackless Path, a translation of one of a key poem of the 18th century Tibetan mystic Jigme Lingpa.

As we read, reflect, practice, and eventually embody the words and practices of our forebears in the tradition, it’s interesting how much of what they taught sounds amazingly like contemporary teaching. As I read through the book we’re discussing in today’s episode, I was constantly reassessing my views as passage after beautiful passage spoke to my own direct experience, and how consonant it is with the attitudes in the modern mindfulness movement. Having the insights of a teacher with a deep understanding of the original text, language, and tradition, can make it come alive.

Ken McLeod is well known as a translator of texts, practices, rituals, and structures into forms suitable for this culture. He was among the first westerners to complete the traditional three-year retreat training in Tibetan Buddhism, and then assisted in teaching during a second three-year retreat. Authorized to teach by the late Kalu Rinpoche, he has successfully pioneered a private practice model for teaching, made the esoteric traditions of Tibetan Buddhism practical and accessible in his book Wake Up to Your Life, and mentored teachers from various traditions of Buddhism.

So, sit back, relax, and have a nice Darjeeling White tea.


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Music for This Episode Courtesy of Rodrigo Rodriguez

The music heard in the middle of the podcast is from Rodrigo Rodriguez. The track used in this episode is “Beneath High Cliffs” from his CD, Traditional and Modern Pieces: Shakuhachi.