Lovingkindness Now and in the Past

In contrast to the dominant role that mettā (lovingkindness) and the other Brahmavihāras (compassion, sympathetic joy, and equanimity) play in contemporary Buddhist practice, they seem to have played a relatively minor role in the earliest tradition. One looks in vain for much elaboration on mettā’s dhammic role; largely it seems to have been seen as…

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Secular Meditation: A Review

When I reviewed Sam Harris’ book, Waking Up, in these pages, I lamented that the book failed to live up to its subtitle, “A Guide to Spirituality Without Religion.” Indeed, there are a growing number of volumes, from writers like Harris, Stephen Batchelor and others, that discuss the philosophical underpinnings of living a spiritual life…

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Episode 238 :: Ken McLeod :: A Trackless Path

Ken McLeod Ken McLeod joins us to speak about A Trackless Path, a translation of one of a key poem of the 18th century Tibetan mystic Jigme Lingpa. As we read, reflect, practice, and eventually embody the words and practices of our forebears in the tradition, it’s interesting how much of what they taught sounds…

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