1/26 Practice Circle: Benefactor Meditation

For several years now, the mindfulness group I practice with has been learning a set of meditation practices adapted by John Makransky from Tibetan dzogchen and mahamudra methods.  Although these techniques have much in common with the mindfulness practices adapted from Theravada Buddhism, such as vipassana and loving kindness meditation, there are some differences in emphasis and…

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Practice Circle 1/12: The Sound of Silence

Silent nigt

I love guided meditations. Whether in person with a teacher or with an audio recording, I find the sound of verbal instructions can make it much easier to meditate. Good instructions do more than remind me to be present when my awareness drifts. They also help bring a different perspective to my experience while in…

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Episode 324 :: John Danvers :: Exeter Meditation Circle

John Danvers John Danvers joins us to speak about the in-person Exeter Meditation Circle. Secular Buddhism has grown in the ten years since this podcast started socializing the term, and each week I hear from people who want to know if there is a Secular Buddhist group near them. By the next ten years I…

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