Does Humanist Meditation Exist?

This is a presentation Rick Heller of the Harvard Humanist Contemplative group gave on secular meditation at the American Humanist Association conference, April 8, 2011. Does humanist meditation exist View more presentations from Rick Heller Does humanist meditation exist — Presentation Transcript 1. Does Humanist Meditation Exist? Presented by Rick Heller Harvard Humanist Contemplative Group…

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Uncertain Minds: How the West Misunderstands Buddhism

Stephen Batchelor and John Peacock address the challenges of Buddhism in the west, how it differs from traditions, how Buddhism was misunderstood from the very start, partly because it was viewed through the filter of Christianity. Please join us in discussion below …

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The New Science of Mindsight (Daniel J. Siegel)

This interactive talk will examine two major questions: What is the mind? and How can we create a healthy mind? We’ll examine the interactions among the mind, the brain, and human relationships and explore ways to create a healthy mind, an integrated brain, and mindful, empathic relationships.

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