Secular Practice with Images and Rituals

Many of us have questions about including images or rituals in secular Buddhist practice. We may find the idea congenial, on the other hand we may have an aversion to traditional forms of practice, or indeed we may come from a different religious background altogether. In this video we will consider adding chants, bells, incense,…

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Breaking Our Sense Sphere Attachments

What are the “sense spheres” and how do they get us attached in unskillful ways? How do we go about breaking these attachments? We’ll discuss all that in this video. Suttas referred to: Koṭṭhita (SN 35.232) Six Sets of Six (MN 148.28) Is There a Method? (SN 35.153) Check out my Patreon page!

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Kindness Towards Everyone?

When we practice loving kindness, are we really supposed to direct kindness towards everyone? Does everyone really deserve kindness? We will look at the early texts as well as a recent article in Tricycle Magazine by scholar Andrew Olendzki. We will also consider some of the teachings of Socrates and the ancient Greeks. The Sutta…

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4/22 Practice Circle: Mindfulness of Dharmas

When Practice Circle meets again this Sunday, April 8, at 6 p.m. Pacific, 8 Central and 9 Eastern, we’ll conclude our four-part examination of the Four Foundations of Mindfulness by examining the Fourth Foundation, mindfulness of dharmas. The word dharma, or dhamma in Pali, has a number of meanings, but in this instance it refers…

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Perfectionism Social and Personal

Many of us are perfectionists of one kind or another, and perfectionism has its benefits. It also has its darker side, which we will consider in today’s video: both in a sociopolitical sense and in a personal sense. We will finish up by considering a few ways that the Buddha appears not to have been…

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Mindfulness of Dharmas, Part 2

Fourth and last of the foundations of mindfulness is Mindfulness of Dharmas. In this second half of our introduction, we will continue going through the practices involved in this foundation. In particular we will go through mindfulness of the factors of awakening, and of the Four Noble Truths in this video. Sutta mentioned: Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta…

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Mindfulness of Dharmas, Part 1

Fourth and last of the foundations of mindfulness is Mindfulness of Dharmas. In this first part of two, we will discuss what dharmas mean in this context, and begin going through the practices involved in this foundation. In particular we will go through mindfulness of the hindrances, of the aggregates, and of the sense-spheres. Suttas…

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Buddhist Practice or Psychotherapy?

Buddhist practice shares many similarities to psychotherapy, and many contemporary psychologists are learning about Buddhist practice in order to deepen their own. However they also have some important differences that must be kept in mind. What are they, and when should we seek one or the other? Recent Tricycle article Another interesting article from a…

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