12/22 Practice Circle: Soft Belly

At my UW Health Mindfulness sangha a couple weeks ago, the teacher shared a passage from Steven Levine’s 1995 book, Guided Meditations, Explorations and Healings, on what he called “soft belly meditation.” Here’s a sample: The belly is an extraordinary diagnostic instrument. It displays the armoring of the heart as a tension in the belly. The…

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Episode 322 :: Kare Landfald :: Zen Coaching

Kare Landfald Kare Landfald joins us to speak about Zen Coaching. As secular Buddhism gain momentum, it is inevitable the “this world” focus of secularity also find new engagements within the many branches of the Buddhist tree. Zen is no exception, and contemporary living can be a powerful tool in authentically showing up for your…

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12/8 Practice Circle: Hope in Darkness

Those of us in the Northern Hemisphere are rapidly approaching the Winter Solstice. Darkness and cold are gradually encroaching. The trees that not long ago were full of color now stand bare against the pale sky. The harshest part of winter is nearly upon us. I know I’m not the only person who struggles a…

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