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Last seen: Nov 19, 2024
Great to hear from you -- sounds like it's been a long strange journey to get to where you are now. Have you read any of the books that have been publ...
Hi Mark, great to hear from you. It's been pretty quiet around here for a while now, I think ever since the website got hacked a year or more ago. Th...
Interesting questions, Ryokan. I hope some Westerners who have or have had a Tibetan Buddhist practice will come by and answer from their personal exp...
It's about time, I guess, that I got around to watching this video of Doug's on my favorite subject, and I'm sorry I didn't do so much earlier. I may ...
Regarding all that, Ryokan, two things:First, when trying, as a native English speaker, to explain Buddhism to other native English speakers, I have t...
@cmcosmos Sounds like you've got a great family, as well as a challenging job -- built a great life.
Hi Brian. Thanks for pointing this out. I've updated the term to "sexual orientation" as you suggested.
I love Scrivener, too!Not sure if Linda is your second wife or if she is the first, from whom you are divorced. I am divorced, too, and people find it...
All that made good sense, so you have no problem I can see with your translation into English.I think you are right that the Buddha doesn't tell us --...
Yes, that did answer my question, thanks. The idea of growing up in a culture with Buddhism in the foreground instead of Christianity fascinates me, s...
@cmcosmos Thanks for asking about my writing. Since I'm not sure which sort of writing you'd like to read I'm going to go overboard and list several p...
@cmcosmos Honestly, I meditate way less these days than I used to, though it slips into my life almost daily a little bit at a time, just when I need ...
I have no official status around here so I'm just going to share my thoughts on certifications. While I can see how useful it would be, I lean more st...
@jason Yep, the Secular Buddhist forum has been pretty dead, you're right. But I've set the intention to check in regular in the hope that we can kick...
@cmcosmos Hi Carlos! Like you, it was reading Batchelor's Buddhism Without Beliefs that really drew me in to investigate Buddhism. And like you, it's ...